The New Baby Einstein Wikia

Carly Pressman was a YouTuber who occasionally created Baby Einstein music videos until she transferred her videos to a different channel.

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Carly Pressman officially joined YouTube on April 27, 2010. She started making sample videos using the video editor Stupeflix. She then started creating other sample videos with GoAnimate, then moved on to the YouTube Video Editor.

Carly eventually started to create her own videos, mostly regarding ZhuZhu Pets. She also began creating music videos with Kipper The Dog. These videos gained a lot of popularity. Carly's Baby Einstein music videos had also gained popularity. At one point, Carly reached over 200 subscribers.

In late 2015, Carly Pressman announced she would be deleting her YouTube channel due to Kids II taking down her Baby Einstein music videos. She also announced a backup channel where she moved several of her old videos, as well as upload new ones. Carly Pressman's videos can currently be found on the YouTube channel Mr. Squiggles - formerly Carly Pressman.
